Sunday 16 December 2012


To anybody reading this blog,

Very recently, I've made the difficult decision to leave The Lost Aria cosplay group. We've shared some pretty awesome times and created lovely memories together over the past year-and-a-bit, but it was an appropriate time, considering my own life circumstances, to break away from the group. Make no mistake that there's no enmity amongst the members/former members. It is simply time for some of us to blossom into our own kind of beauty. So here, I want to thank everyone in the group for the wonderful time we've spent together and wish them all the very best in their future endeavours, whatever they may be.

However, this isn't a goodbye post. It's a hello again post. As if I could leave behind this blog of snarky, fangirly goodness. Pssshh.

Though the name Rhapsody is behind us, now is the hour of II, III VII and IX, and the 
Cambio Cosplay group. 
Look forward to something so ridiculously great, your eyes will melt out of their sockets.


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