Saturday 10 March 2012

5 childhoods worse than yours.

I think all kids go through a phase during which they think their lives are so difficult. I certainly did. But whenever I was about to complain about it (and I am being totally serious) I'd think about how much worse it could've been. There's always someone worse off. Knowing that makes me a little more grateful for the mundane struggles I face every day.

Here we have five fictional characters who have had it pretty bad when they were kids. This time I'm counting down, because it gives more impact that way. :P

5. Mizushima Iku (Gemini)
Starry Sky

Though he himself was perfectly fine, his beloved sister wasn't. And because she wasn't in good shape, he suffered too. The very reason he's such a dickwad in the present is because of what happened when he was younger, or rather, what happened to his sister. It's pretty sad to have the direction of your entire life changed due to the loss of one person.
On the other hand, although he's still affected by his sister's death, at least he has ways to release his frustration. Disregard the fact that it involves selfishly manipulating other people, though this latest target of his might be able to save him, in true otome game fashion.

4. Ciel Phantomhive

There's nothing quite like losing your estate, your family, and everything else you hold dear, in order to mess you up royal. If the nightmares and hatred and callousness are anything to go by, Ciel's life has been turned around completely by that one series of events. 
But then again, throw a certain demon butler into the mix, along with a deceptively cute fiancee, and maybe things will turn out okay in the end. Heck, even if it doesn't, he'll still get to eat delicious cake and wear gorgeous clothes.

3. Nezumi
No. 6

It's not much fun to be chased out of your own home, and be made to watch as everyone you know dies. It's also not much fun to have to fight and give up so many things just to survive another day. Children should not have to mistrust anybody and always be ready to die, but that was how Nezumi was. 
Lucky for him, he met Shion. And at least he has theatre and a bajillion books to keep him company.

2. Nagumo (Yukimura) Kaoru

He and Chizuru must have lived a comfortable life when they were younger, what with their clan being so powerful and all. However, all of that was taken from them, and for a time, all they had was each other. That didn't last long though, when Kaoru was separated from his sister and forced to live in the household of another clan, where he was (allegedly) looked down upon and mistreated. To top it all off, his beloved sister doesn't even remember who he is anymore. And just when it looks like he may be able to turn things around, he gets killed by that bastard Kazama. He does get to stir up a bit of trouble though, even for a character that dies without having much screen time.

1. Alois Trancy

I thought long and hard about who would take the number one spot. I wanted some variety, so I tried to pick characters from different series, but I really don't know who else should be number one, except for Alois Trancy.

All the characters in places five to two have silver linings in their present lives - something to hope for, or look forward to, or someone who may just save them. Alois thought he had something along those lines, but he really didn't.

When he was younger he had Luka, who he cherished, but Luka gave up his own life for Alois. After that, he found himself a slave to Lord Trancy. Then, when he thought he could be happy once he had Claude and taken his revenge against Ciel and Sebastian, the object of his affection goes ahead and friggin' kills him. And don't give me that 'he was happy in death' rubbish - a demon is a demon, and a demon has to eat. I don't believe Hannah wanted Alois' soul simply because she and Luka loved him. And anyway, I don't think any happy experience will erase the memory of the one you love snapping your blimmin' neck. Nor the memory of having to sleep with a perverted old man. Nor the sight of your only friend dying right before your eyes.

Okay I'll stop ranting now...
(Btw, pics all found on Pixiv and Zerochan :D)

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