When I was going through the photos I took for this con, I realised that 90% of it was useless random crap I took on a whim... And so I'll share some of those here, while I leave the pretty pictures to our expert editors.
Also, I haven't included pics where you can see the other girls' faces, since I haven't asked their permission to use untouched pics of them... So my apologies, but you'll have to bear with staring at my ugly mug. :P

Fake lashes and pastel makeup...neither of which I'd used before! D:
Even Vocaloids need cash, you know.
We were in the local newspaper too... D: With a friend of ours, who also required cash.
Had only bubble tea and a little bit of Ballade's meal for lunch...otherwise I would not have been comfortable in that dress. Dx

Ballade was originally in this picture, but for the reasons I mentioned above, I cropped her out.
It's not just because I'm an attention whore!
Aaaaaand finally...the Rhapso-razzi strikes - Nocturne just looked so adorable...especially with Rin's bow and the coat and the backpack... She looked like a little schoolgirl~

I can't wait to see her Rin look again!! xD
the ATM photo and the newspaper clip above will+kate made my day <3
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