Friday 25 November 2011

5 fanfic turn-offs.

Fanfiction has been a part of my life even before I knew what fanfiction was. It started when I was seven - Pokemon started airing here, and I wasn't satisfied just with what our mediocre TV stations offered. I wrote 'extra' stories to complement the series at school when we did creative writing exercises. Since then, I've written a number of fanfics and I've read a lot too, both good and bad. I've always had pet hates when it comes to fanfiction; the moment I see one of these turn-offs in a fanfic, I immediately stop reading. Immediately.

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Alice Nine is the sort of band that really grows on you. Even their members really grow on you. The one who has grown on me the most is probably Hiroto. He's small, cute, is a bandboy, and he looks hot with blonde hair.

What is it with me and effeminate boys? xD I simply love his eyes and they way they do his eye makeup. He also has nicer eyebrows than I do, which is somewhat upsetting seeing as I'm female and he's...well...not. But I think he's shorter than me, and he even has narrower shoulders... I feel masculine just thinking about it. T_T

Really though, I could probably go on and on about not only Hiroppon, but the other A9 boys too... But let's save that for another post. I'll finish with this pic of his most recent look:

If I was that good-looking, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off myself either.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

instant abs.

I have a reputation for being excessively lazy, especially when it comes to exercise. I hate sports (with the exception of dance), I've set foot in a gym only once in my entire life, and when it comes to jogging... I went a few times but ended up walking 90% of the time anyway. I've never cared much for having a bikini body, since I don't have nearly enough boobage to fill a bikini anyway. But since I became a member of The Lost Aria, it has come to my attention that a lot of the cosplays I want to do will require, at the very least, a toned abdominal region.

Thanks to Lullaby, who provided these links for a fantastic tutorial on open-chest binding and makeup, because really, I don't know the first thing about makeup contrary to popular belief...

Tuesday 15 November 2011

5 boys in dresses.

It was one of my favourite things to do; show some unsuspecting person a photo of a Visual Kei boy, wait for the person say "oh I like her dress/makeup/hair", and then reply "yes, he's pretty isn't he?". Ah, when did I get sucked in to such a fandom as Visual Kei? The music can sometimes be so painful to listen to if you chance upon the wrong band...but seeing these beautifully made-up boys is what satisfies me. Sadly, the number of boys in big dresses and big hair and big makeup is declining, so most of these pictures are from 'the good old days'.
Here be five boys that people often mistake for girls, until they hear them speak.

Friday 11 November 2011

5 reverse-harem archetypes.

Confession: I love me some reverse harem. There's nothing like the ability to choose from a buffet of different boys. I've probably said it before, but I often have a hard time deciding on one I like best, since I have such broad preferences (a.k.a low standards).
With every reverse harem (as with a regular harem), you get a selection of various personality archetypes to appeal to a variety of preferences. Here, I'll write about five of these common archetypes. You won't find them just in reverse harems, but in normal (lol) series as well. Sometimes the traits may overlap. But lists are cool, so don't say a word!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

testing testing.

So, I'm quite unmotivated when it comes to getting stuff done. That's why it takes ages for me to finish writing stuff, watching dramas/anime, study...
However, I do like to dress up. Even if I'm not going anywhere or doing anything else. I get sudden spur-of-the-moment urges to wear a flashy outfit, or do my makeup, or even try on my newly-acquired wigs.

In this instance, I wanted to try out my Kagamine Len cosplay. Just for kicks. I did have contact lenses on, but they weren't the right it was an overcast day so the green didn't show up in photos... But ah well. Here are a couple of the better pictures I took. Largely unedited, just upped the contrast to make the yellow yellower.

Unfortunately since the wig is a bit small, my natural hair sticks out the side...It's not noticeable if I angle my head correctly, but it still sucks. :( And I'm really not sure how to remedy the situation either. *cry*
I still haven't had a chance to practice open-chest binding yet, but I'll get around to it soon! Since Lullaby and I have a lot of open-chest cosplays in mind....

The other day I thought of how many cosplays Lullaby and I have planned to do together, and I was highly amused by the number of plans that involve us being shirtless/nearly shirtless guys. Looking forward to it. ^^b