Friday 11 November 2011

5 reverse-harem archetypes.

Confession: I love me some reverse harem. There's nothing like the ability to choose from a buffet of different boys. I've probably said it before, but I often have a hard time deciding on one I like best, since I have such broad preferences (a.k.a low standards).
With every reverse harem (as with a regular harem), you get a selection of various personality archetypes to appeal to a variety of preferences. Here, I'll write about five of these common archetypes. You won't find them just in reverse harems, but in normal (lol) series as well. Sometimes the traits may overlap. But lists are cool, so don't say a word!

1. The Man of a Thousand Morals

Examples: Hijikata Toshizo (Hakuouki), Hijirikawa Masato (Utapri), Chang Wufei (Gundam Wing), Elliot Nightray (Pandora Hearts)
This guy always has a somewhat regal air about him. He is noble and righteous and honourable and his values are rather traditional. Sometimes, he'll look down his nose at you, O stupid one, and other times he will feel responsible for you. Paired with a girl, he's the man of the house. Paired with another guy, he is protective of weaker personality types, and bashful around the less conservative personality types.

2. The Happy Guy

Examples: Rikka (Storm Lover), Okita Souji (Hakuouki), Rin (Togainu no Chi), Suou Tamaki (Ouran)
He's not necessarily bubbly, but he's almost always cheerful. He may be a shota-type, and often has light-coloured hair and eyes. However, chances are that the Happy Guy is hiding some sort of secret, like a terminal illness or a tragic past. Telling the rest of the group will make them worry unnecessarily, so unless you're the main character (or the player, in a game situation), you will never know about this dark secret.

3. The Big Brother

Examples: Harada Sanosuke (Hakuouki), Morinozuka Takashi (Ouran), Nanami Kanata (Starry Sky)
May or may not be the character's actual brother. He's the type you can always feel at ease with, regardless of how talkative or quiet he is. He will always protect you if you need protecting. Usually he appears strong or at least able to defend himself and you in a fight. With females there's not much romantic potential, because his tendency to protect her will lead her to get too comfortable with him (unless she has a pre-existing Oniichan Complex), rendering him Friend-Zoned. With other guys, however, they are among the top types on the Seme-Uke scale (explanation later).

4. The Predator

Examples: Jinguji Ren (Utapri), Kazama Chikage (Hakuouki), Mori Ranmaru (Wallflower), Shiki (Togainu no Chi)
Don't stray too far from the flock, little lamb, or else you might bump into one of these unsavoury characters. Okay, so they don't always have ill intentions, but you can bet that if you stay too long, they'll have you twisted around their little finger. More often than not, they are at the top of whatever ladder fits the social setting. Since they probably think they're the best thing in the world, they also think they own everything. Including you.

5. The Nice Guy

Examples: Keisuke (Togainu no Chi), Shinomiya Natsuki (Utapri), Quatre Winner (Gundam Wing), Tozuki Suzuya (Starry Sky)
It's such a terrible way to describe a person...but that's possibly the only way a main character could describe this guy. Nice. He's not as chirpy as the Happy Guy, but he is good-natured. He's not as righteous as the Moral Man, but he's honest. He's not as strong as the Big Brother, but he's always there if you need a shoulder to cry on. Somewhere along the line though, the Nice Guy is sure to lose it. Good luck to those who have to deal with him when he does.

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