I frequently see pictures of certain characters and feel the urge to cosplay them. Or I see pics of cosplayers and wish I could be as awesome as them. Sadly, for various reasons, there are certain cosplays I don't think I'd ever be able to pull off, regardless of how much I want to. I suppose it's always healthy for one to realise one's limits. Although there's only four on this list today - everything in moderation. xD
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
just a thought.

PSC recently posted a message asking people not to distribute any music, PVs or photos of their bands without permission.
I mean....seriously?
I can understand music and PVs...but...photos? Isn't that going too far? I mean, thousands of online fans use pics of these bands as their avatars/in their signatures. It's free advertising for them! The reason I know about Visual Kei at all is because of one photo I happened to find on Google image search (although for the record, it wasn't a pic of a PSC band). Plus, they're depriving the internet (i.e., the world) of a lot of eye candy. Doesn't anyone else think this is wrong? :(
What are they gonna do next? Tell people to stop cosplaying their bands too?
The thing is, with certain bands *coughAliceNinecough*, I have more photos of them than I have their music. Call me shallow, but tbh sometimes they look better than they sound. They're improving though. But with them, I'd rather sample their music via download first, then buy the single/album if I think it's worth it. The same goes with The GazettE, too. If I don't know whether or not I'll like the tracks on a CD, I'm less inclined to buy it. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who do this too.
Of course, this would all be remedied, and the world would be a better place, if PSC would just create a YouTube channel or something so that people could listen to their music without feeling like criminals. But I don't think they have. It would also help if their albums weren't so freaking expensive. I mean, I support VK artists when I can afford to, but it's such a costly habit... ;_;
I'm glad I got the Toxic and Gemini albums when I did though. Might be my last purchase from PSC bands ever, cos I'm stubborn like that. D:
Naww, I didn't mean that.........................................................................
By the way, I used the stunning picture above because it's not an official PSC photo and therefore I'm not getting into any trouble. It fanart of The GazettE by Alzheimer13 on deviantArt.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
more gifts!
So I arrived home today from having to work on a Saturday (buh). All I had on my mind was "food", "bum around" and "read No.6"... But then sitting on my bed I found a package from Ballad(e)!!
Guess what was in it?
If anyone was wondering, yes I am still squeeing my little head off right now. I was so distracted by the sheer awesome that I even forgot to take them out of the plastic packaging until half an hour later...
The detail on these two are so good. They're posable, their buttons are actually buttons (lol), and Sebas-chan's pocket watch chain is also a chain of sorts. Also, I was curious as to whether they had sewn the detail on Bocchan's contract eye. And yes, it turns out that they had. :O
Isn't it beautiful? :D
Thank you so much, Ballad!
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