Thursday 16 August 2012

retail therapy.

I have many bad habits, one of them being my penchant for buying things for the hell of it, especially when I know I have the money for it.

I suppose I don't really have the money for it, but I spend anyway. What's worse is that although I would like to buy things when they're discounted, if I want it enough, I'll pay the full overly marked-up price. Don't take spending tips from me, boys and girls.

As of late, I've been doing next to nothing aside from going to work, going home, and being a mad fangirl, so I haven't had many chances to show off my new acquisitions. So here we go, I'm going to show the citizens of the internet instead.

First and foremost - I have a blue streak in my hair now. :O
This is one of the only two pics I've taken of it though, and unfortunately there's more face than hair here... But I was rather pleased with how it's turned out. I've never done anything to my hair prior to this, and I was a bit nervous that it may not look very professional, but my boss saw my hair and asked (sincerely) why I didn't dye the rest of my hair blue as well. XD

This was also my first time in a hair salon. I didn't realise how expensive it was going to be. This little streak of blue cost me over $100. D:

Next - since I bought those 5 pairs of Big Bang socks in Odaiba, I have rarely worn any of the other socks I own, and as a result those 5 pairs are getting seriously worn out. To counter this problem, I ordered 5 more pairs of Big Bang socks - this time it's the Alive edition! Can't resist Daesung's blonde and TOP's mint green. 

As you may be able to see from the price tag in the picture, I have yet to wear this blazer. It's not from any fancy brand or anything - I'm irresponsible with my money, but not that irresponsible (yet).
I am a real sucker for black and white things, and striped things. A combination of the two is also wonderful.
I find the vertical stripes are very flattering although the jacket itself hasn't got the greatest cut and the fabric is far from desirable. That's 'fashion for the masses' for you.
In retrospect, I should have waited for a sale before buying this one, but I was so in love with the idea of owning a striped blazer (regardless of quality) that I happily overlooked the $70 price tag and took it anyway.

This next one was one I managed to get for $10. I don't normally wear things with large patterns, especially floral ones, but I thought I'd try something different. Again, perhaps even $10 was a bit much considering the quality of the fabric and everything. Nevertheless I'm quite happy with it and how it looks.
It's the only thing in my wardrobe that currently embodies 'Rhapsody of The Lost Aria' since it has lilies on it. :D

Here's something I found whilst mucking about online. It's a shawl/cape thing from Super Lovers, made of lovely light material with fluorescent animal print hood, cat ears (which you can't see here) and red metal studs. Can't wait for spring to be here so I can wear it out!
Only trouble is, it's a slightly different shade of blue to what I've got in my hair - I'm afraid it'd look odd. Ah, first world problems.

Lastly, here are a few bits and pieces I've accumulated over the last month or so. All the silver jewelry was bought for $5 each, or less (minus the mesh ring ;_;), and the strawberry tart earrings (only one shown here) was given to me by my waifu!
Alas, I need an excuse to wear these things - it's not entirely appropriate to wear them to work.

And yes, that is Rin from Togainu no Chi on that coaster. :P

1 comment:

Mineka said...

I thoroughly approve! I would love to see a photo of you in that stripy jacket! D: