Wednesday 27 June 2012

cosplay marathon.

Last weekend, Lullaby and Requiem came to town. We stayed at Symphony and Fantasia's place, where there was much wig brushing, fangirling, eyebrowing, and general mayhem.

While I can't show any official photos, I have plenty of photos from my phone, taken with little or no artistic sense. So here they are in all their noisy, unedited glory...

Day One: Lullaby does her makeup while Symphony holds the mirror and exudes the radiance of the Yaoi God. Best opportunistic shot ever. 8D

Rations - sushi (that Fantasia and Requiem kindly bought for us) and red velvet cupcakes made by me!
I'm glad they were appreciated. ^^

PVA glue + matte foundation + red and brown eyeshadow...

= a really manky scar. :S

The scar gets peeled off! D: After we waited so long for the glue to dry! Seriously, getting that scar to work was one of my proudest moments. It's a shame it was so flimsy... But pfffft who needs fake blood and other such things when you've got a litre of school glue and piles of cheap makeup?

Later we went out for dinner with a couple other friends, and opted for a quiet night in with a few RTDs, live violin music (kudos to Lullaby and Symphony) and the BL-tastic Secret Garden parody by Big Bang.

Day Two: Melt reshoot, a.k.a Miku's Dokidoki Wig Brushing Time. It took four of us (that was all of us minus Lullaby) over half an hour to get it detangled enough to plait for ease of storage and transportation. Thankfully, Wellington decided not to be too windy, and our fingers and wig combs were spared from too much brushing throughout the day.

That seagull was most disapproving.

Requiem and I (sneakily taken while Symphony and Fantasia were sorting out Lullaby's hair).


While filming some scenes at the train station, we bumped into a few kindred spirits doing a Chevalier D'eon cosplay (somewhat more elegant than our cosplay I must say). I managed to get a quick pic of them before they hurried away for the shoot. The dress that Pura has been agonising over for ages...I finally got to see it with my own eyes. 'Twas a thing of beauty. *A*

(More of her cosplays here.) 

Sunset. Can't beat Wellington on a good day.

Finished the day with yakiniku and more alcohol. BEST IDEA EVER. 8D
It was such a shame I had to go home since I had work the next morning.

Day Three: After work on Monday I hurried back to the Lost Aria headquarters to witness Requiem's transformation into Alice Baskerville. Such a brave girl, it was so cold but she still went out in a short skirt in the middle of the night.

Yakiniku take 2! It was so good, we had to do it again.

Day Four: After staying up until 5am doing a photoshoot of __________ *gigglesnort*, we all had a nice long sleep-in and then high tea at Martha's Pantry.

Even their business cards are gorgeous!

For our high tea, we were served a wonderful selection of dainty morsels along with three teas of our choice. And you all know how much of a sucker I am for tea.

Funny, I have that EXACT same teacup and saucer in the foreground at home!

All in all it was a fun and productive few days. Thanks to Lullaby and Requiem for coming up and giving us this opportunity, and thanks to Symphony and Fantasia for being such lovely hosts - feeding us, taking our photos, fixing our cosplays and giving us a nice warm living room to sleep in.

As for Ballad, Nocturne and Serenade - it's your turn next!!!!!

1 comment:

Nocturne said...

That looked so fun!!

Aw man I love those random photos bahahahah!
