Saturday 22 October 2011

the final stretch!

Alois x Ciel Magnet ver.! And my fail colouring/photo editing skillz.

Procrastination rocks! I've almost finished all the chapter plans for Phantom High School Host Club! This was the first ever piece of writing where I've done so much planning, and I'm thankful for it. If I didn't plan, I'd have no motivation to write the actual chapters.

I wrote out bullet points for each chapter, and then wrote chapter plans in which I expanded on the bullet points. Since I've got everything written out, it's easier to keep things consistent, and see where everything fits together. Right now I've planned for around 30 chapters, but it may increase or decrease depending on how I write the chapters. Gosh, why didn't anyone tell me how to do this when I was younger? So many good stories gone to waste due to bad planning.

Upon finishing the plan for the final chapter, I'm really excited to get writing! I almost cried when I typed up the last summarising point... What a dork I am. And hopefully the ending meets expectations... Perhaps I shouldn't raise them too high during the course of the fanfic. xD

At this point though, aside from my slow rate of update, what concerns me is that my writing style has become rather bland. Sometimes I get bursts of creative energy and I'm surprised by how well I write, and other times it feels as though I have to force myself to even come up with a nearly-decent sentence. That's kind of what happened in the most recent chapter. That, and I had to plan out an entire murder mystery plot (even though I barely used it in the story at all - I guess this means I can use it for an actual murder mystery party?).

Anyway. I wonder if it'll be any good to write up my post-chapter-writing thoughts? Sometimes there's so much I want to tell people about my chapters, but honestly I don't think they'd care. :/ Ah well. I shall post them here if I do get around to writing them, because I really need to get that sorta stuff off my chest. You are hereby forewarned.

Btw if someone can fix those flowers in Ciel's hat in the above pic, let me know. I can't draw flowers to save my life. =_=;;

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