Thursday 13 October 2011

writer's block.

For months, Rhapsody struggled in a losing battle against every writer's nemesis - Writer's Block. Every time she turned on her laptop, she would see the latest chapter of her fanfiction, still unfinished. Each time she laid eyes on that icon on her desktop, her heart felt heavier than a morbidly obese person (BMI over 50) carrying a baby elephant, riding a tank.

However, she couldn't let it end like this! There was still so much to write, there were still so many fangirl wishes to grant. Her reviewers encouraged her, and she herself mustered up the willpower to soldier on. Sentence by clumsy sentence, she slowly pieced together the next installation of Ciel's adventures with the Stoneleigh Park Academy Host Club, and finally, on the thirteenth of October, 2011, Rhapsody submitted Lesson Seventeen of

...And there was much rejoicing.


Really though, I'm so relieved to have finally finished this chapter. I've literally been working on it for months due to lack of motivation/inspiration.
If you don't know what this is, it's my Kuroshitsuji fanfiction - I stole the concept of Ouran and combined it with Kuro, to make a rather interesting mix.
Do check it out if you have a free moment! Although...if you're more into sci-fi and fantasy type stories, this won't be your cup of tea - I absolutely fail at writing that genre...

1 comment:

Lullaby said...