Wednesday 25 April 2012


That's Akihabara station. I know it's not obvious, but that's what it is.

This one deserves a whole post to itself. We probably spent more time here than any other place in Tokyo. The bulk of the stuff I brought back home was also stuff I either bought from a store in Akiba or won from a UFO catcher or Gashapon machine. 


Does every child dream of going to Disneyland? I certainly did. Of the children I knew, perhaps I was one of the lucky ones. This was my third time visiting Disneyland, and my second time visiting the one in Tokyo in particular.

Potato was a compulsory travel companion, obviously.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

asakusa, ginza, odaiba.

Night view of Tokyo from Odaiba

These were three locations I had not visited on my previous trips to Japan. Waifu and I went to Ginza mostly to see how many things were out of our reach. I wasn't remorseful about it though - I don't think I have much use for a Hermes scarf that costs even more than my laptop does.

shibuya, meiji-jingu, harajuku.

Although my waifu is somewhat averse to shopping for girly things, he indulged me and took me shopping in Harajuku and Shibuya. Of course, we also took a quiet walk around Yoyogi park (albeit a very small part of it) and Meiji-jingu.

yanaka etc.

During my time in Tokyo, I stayed at Annex Katsutaro Ryokan in Yanaka. It's roughly a ten-minute stroll from Nippori station and is close to pretty much whatever basic stuff a tourist needs - combinis, small cafes/eateries and souvenir shops. It was decently priced too; every other time I've visited Japan, I stayed at the Hilton in Shinjuku, and though the ryokan didn't have the same level of pomp, the level of comfort was on par. The staff speak good English too, which saved me from utilising my terrible Japanese.

on the (rail)road and in the sky.

This trip was officially my first self-funded trip, where I did not travel with any of my family members. It was a pretty scary thing, but there's nothing like travelling alone to make you feel like a grown up. Especially since I always feel like a child no matter what I do.

over the hills and far away.

This is Potato. He is about to go on a journey.

I've been away for a while, in case you haven't noticed. xD

Touched down on home soil yesterday, after spending almost three weeks abroad. It was my first self-funded holiday ever. Had a fantastic time, and only wish I could have a holiday like that more often. ;_;

My time was divided between Tokyo and Singapore - I spent time with mai waifu who did/is doing placements at the university hospitals there. He's currently still in Singapore, finishing off the placement there. *misses*

I'll be recapping my journey by area, seeing as I went to certain parts of Tokyo more often than others, and I really didn't do much in Singapore cos I stayed with my uncle there. And it was too hot to do anything.

Part One: On the Road and in the Sky
Part Two: Yanaka etc.
Part Three: Shibuya, Meiji-jingu, Harajuku
Part Four: Asakusa, Ginza, Odaiba
Part Five: Disneyland
Part Six: Akihabara
Part Seven: Singapore