Tuesday 24 April 2012

on the (rail)road and in the sky.

This trip was officially my first self-funded trip, where I did not travel with any of my family members. It was a pretty scary thing, but there's nothing like travelling alone to make you feel like a grown up. Especially since I always feel like a child no matter what I do.


First things first. I flew from Wellington to Auckland to await my midnight flight to Singapore. The weirdest moment was when I had to write something other than 'student' in the occupation box.


My flights were pretty comfortable. I flew Singapore Airlines so the food and service were good. Since the seats come equipped with USB ports now, I was able to listen to my own music on my phone the whole time.

Once I got to Changi airport, I stopped at Bee Cheng Hiang for my obligatory roast pork jerky thing. 
Seriously, I can't visit Singapore without eating this. I looked like a right pig sitting there gobbling it down (a cannibalistic one at that).

Waiting at the departure gate for my flight to Tokyo~ it was an Airbus A380. I was told that it was a really comfortable plane and the landings were nice and smooth... And it was really comfortable and really roomy but sadly, the weather in Tokyo was horrible, and the plane literally bounced off the runway a few times before actually landing properly. :S

So after about eighteen hours of flying (not to mention seven hours of waiting at two airports), I arrived in Tokyo's Narita airport. I was really apprehensive about the remaining part of the journey to meet my waifu, since I was catching the Skyliner train for the first time, alone no less. However it was pretty easy - I cleared customs and immigration, walked out to the arrival hall, and the ticket counter was right in front of me. I simply asked for a Skyliner ticket to Nippori, paid, and before I knew it, I was on the next train.

I'd definitely recommend the Skyliner if anyone out there wants to travel quickly and comfortably between Narita airport and Tokyo proper. It took roughly half an hour to get to the city (compared to the Limo Bus which, from memory, took about two hours at best) and stops at two stations - Nippori and Ueno, and from these stops it's fairly easy to go wherever you want. Luckily for me, my accommodation was about a ten minute walk from Nippori station so less thinking was required from this weary traveller.

The Skyliner, as I mentioned, was super fast and super comfy. There was plenty of room between seats, for your bags, and a separate area for larger items. There was also a carriage with vending machines and toilets, I think. My carriage was pretty quiet, probably because the train operates really frequently, but even if there's a lot of people, seats are reserved so you're pretty much guaranteed a spot. Potato tends to ride free though, since he doesn't take up much space. (Also, spot me and my silly jumper and headphones. :3)

By the way, if you're planning a trip to Tokyo and are interested in taking the Skyliner, here's the official website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, Hikari, it's a pity we're both too old now, and can't write ridiculous things in our 'occupation' slots.

I used to get 'Jedi' or 'Gift from God' (that second my mother's doing), or on one occasion 'Pokemon Master'.